Dealing with grief when you’re younger, for example, can look quite different from grieving as an adult. This is why it’s more important than ever that there are young adult novels that portray grief and loss, and show us the ways in which teens deal with the grieving process. Thankfully, there are many YA books that portray grief and loss in a multitude of ways. They range from grieving family members, friends, and partners, and show how grief can look vastly different for different people. And hopefully, for anybody going through the grieving process, they make things just a little bit easier to deal with. Here are ten great young adult novels that speak about grief and loss.

YA Books About Grief and Loss

If you’re looking for a few more books to help your through the grieving process, make sure to check out The Books I Read and Didn’t Read While Grieving, and 8 Of The Best Books About Grief and Recovering From Trauma.

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