Young Fleetwood Shuttleworth, noblewoman of one of the finest houses in Lancashire, is pregnant for the fourth time, having been unable to carry a baby to term so far. When Fleetwood finds a hidden letter from the doctor who delivered her last stillbirth, she learns of the prediction that she will not survive another pregnancy. By chance she meets a midwife who promises to help Fleetwood deliver a healthy baby and prove the physician wrong. As the midwife, Alice, is drawn into the witchcraft accusations sweeping the area, Fleetwood must risk everything to help clear her name. Historians have asked, “was witch-hunting woman-hunting?” THE FAMILIARS explores the themes of women’s rights in this period, many of which still resonate today. If only we could unite and put a spell on history to bring back all the women accused of witchcraft. Until then, please tell me your favorite witchy history reads so I can grow into a most powerful witch—er, I mean read those books just for enjoyment. Next week we’ll have a nice list of witchy history reads for us all to read and grow stronger from.

Riot Recommendation  What Are Your Favorite Witchy History Reads - 90