Side note: If you’re looking to commune with the stars for your own life advice and reading recommendations, you might enjoy Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac (October 29, Flatiron Books) by the masterminds behind the popular @poetastrologers Twitter account, Alex Dimitrov and Dorothea Lasky. It’s a fun, accessible, and modern guide to the signs. Even better, it’s astrology by poets! If you’ve ever wondered what your sign says about you (or how it can help you figure out the people around you), this is the place to start.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

You’ve got the gift of gab this month, Aries. Interesting conversations are all around you, and you’re ready to break the ice. People are drawn to you in October, giving you the opportunity to grow your social network or make business connections to help advance your career. It’s also a great time for romance. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with a cute stranger. Check out Take the Mic: Fictional Stories of Everyday Resistance (October 1, Arthur A. Levine Books), edited by Bethany C. Morrow. These stories and poems show people pushing back against injustice in many ways, from standing up to trolls to joining protests in the streets. With prolific contributors like Jason Reynolds and Samira Ahmed, it’s full of short stories with big heart.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

As the seasons change, so does your perspective. This month holds big opportunities for you to reexamine your goals and make a change. Tauruses have great clarity of mind in October. Use that to lay your path for the rest of the year. You may also discover a hidden talent in the coming weeks. Don’t be afraid to try something new, especially if it scares you a little. I recommend Ordinary Girls (October 29, Algonquin), a memoir by Jaquira Díaz. Growing up in Puerto Rico and Miami Beach, Díaz had a turbulent and dangerous childhood. In this vibrant and passionate debut, she describes how she found a way to not only survive, but thrive.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Things are really going your way this month, Gemini. You’re financially strong, your career is moving right along, and you’re gaining respect from your peers. It’s a wonderful time to take on a new educational pursuit; you never feel more yourself than when learning something. And for the cherry on top of a perfect month, blissful romance is in the air for relationships old and new. Read Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Creativity (October 1, Gallery Books) by actor, writer, and lovable weirdo Felicia Day. Fear and perfectionism are enemies of creativity; being boldly weird is the best way to express yourself and your ideas. This guide provides tips and exercises to be your most authentically creative self.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

I hope you got some rest in September, because October is nonstop for Cancers. Your to-do list is growing faster than you can check things off. As a bit of a homebody, this can cause some stress for you. But the busy nature of the month means you’re in demand, and people trust you to get the job done. Rest when you can and make time for self care. You’ve got this! You might enjoy All This Could Be Yours (October 22, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) by Jami Attenberg. As a dysfunctional family’s toxic patriarch nears death, all struggle to come to terms with their loss and lingering trauma. It’s a heavy but wonderfully written examination of what we owe our family and how they shape us in unexpected ways.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your fire sign is coming out this month, Leo. You’re not afraid of a heated debate, and conversations this month may become especially heated. But remember that others can’t separate their emotions as easily as you can. You may find yourself in the middle of some disagreement and hurt feelings. Be cognizant of others and apologize when you’re in the wrong. Read Frankissstein (October 1, Grove Press) by Jeanette Winterson. This Frankenstein retelling is part fictionalized retelling of Mary Shelley’s life, part modern examination of artificial intelligence, and all wonderfully queer. It’s a love story that will also make you terrified of the near future.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Virgos are close to home in October, both physically and mentally. Family needs will keep your focus on your loved ones. It’s also a difficult time for travel; any trips away from home may be plagued with difficulty. Introspection is important this month. Embrace the quiet moments; think about the person you would like to be and the paths you can take to get there. I recommend How We Fight For Our Lives (October 8, Simon and Schuster), a new memoir by poet Saeed Jones. As a young gay black man in the South, it wasn’t easy for Jones to find space to be himself. His coming-of-age story is a beautiful mix of poetry and prose that explores what we lose and what we gain in growing into ourselves.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

October is all about supporting others for Libras. Everyone loves being the hero, but don’t underestimate the power of a great sidekick. It brings you great joy to see others succeed, especially when you know you helped them do it. Opportunities abound this month to help your friends and loved ones achieve their dreams. Don’t worry; they’ll do the same for you in the future. Check out The Library of the Unwritten (October 1, Ace Books) by A.J. Hackwith. There’s a special library in hell for the books never completed by their authors. The head librarian is in charge of keeping the unfinished stories in line and making sure characters don’t go rogue. But can she make things right when a retrieval goes horribly wrong?

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

You’re striving for greatness this month, Scorpio. Everything you want is within grasp, and you’ve got the energy and determination you need for that final stretch. Big wins are in store for you in October, in your personal and professional life. Your loved ones are cheering you on, and your enemies can’t touch you. Just make sure you’re focusing your energy in the right places. You might enjoy Grand Union (October 8, Penguin Press), a short story collection by Zadie Smith. This expansive collection takes on big topics like race, class, relationships, and gender, all with Smith’s unique voice.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Sagittariuses can’t sit still this October. You’re in good health and have lots of energy, and you’re ready to put it to work. It’s a great time to take up a sport or athletic activity. With the weather changing, you may also want to engage with nature. And as a lover of travel, October is the perfect time to take a trip. Indulge your wanderlust! You may meet a new romantic interest when you do. Read Royal Holiday (October 1, Berkley) by Jasmine Guillory. When Vivian agreed to accompany her daughter on a business trip to England over Christmas, she expected a nice vacation. She didn’t expect to be swept off her feet by the queen’s charming personal secretary, Malcolm.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

You’re focused on the wrong things this month, Capricorn. As problems mount, you may struggle to get past the superficial details. When faced with a challenge in October, try to step back and look at the big picture. You also tend to worry too much about how other people see you. Put your energy into things that are deeply important to you, and that will shine through to others. Check out A Wild and Precious Life (October 8, St. Martin’s Press), a new memoir/biography from LGBT rights icon Edie Windsor, written with Joshua Lyon. There’s so much more to Windsor’s story than her Supreme Court case that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act. And if you learn anything from her memoir, I hope it’s her personal motto: Never postpone joy.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Career is front and center for Aquariuses in October. You’ve got goals to reach before the end of the year, and you can’t take your eye off the ball. Remember that you’re not alone; colleagues and loved ones may be able to offer a helping hand. Asking friends and family for help can also keep them from feeling neglected while you’re focused on your work. It’s a win-win! I recommend Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts (October 8, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) by Kate Racculia. Tuesday Mooney is a bit of a homebody. But when an eccentric billionaire dies and leaves his fortune to the first person to complete his Edgar Allan Poe–themed treasure hunt, Tuesday decides to take on the challenge.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Others will look to you for help this month, Pisces. And the good news? You’ll be able to provide it! Your finances are strong this month, so you may be able to help out a loved one struggling to make ends meet. Others may look to you for your knowledge and experience, and you’ll have great advice to share. Being able to assist and care for loved ones will bring you great joy in October. Read Dear Girls: Intimate Tales, Untold Secrets, and Advice for Living Your Best Life (October 15, Random House) by comedian/writer/actor Ali Wong. With essays taking the form of letters to her daughters, Wong tells hilarious and heartfelt stories of her wild youth, her career in comedy, and her experience starting a family. Looking for more? Check out your July, August, and September horoscopes and book recommendations!

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