WARNING: Mercury will be in retrograde February 17 through March 10. That means lots of technological problems, miscommunications, travel issues, and general mayhem. As I always say, the best way to avoid Mercury Retrograde disaster is by staying inside with a good book.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

March will be gone in a flash, Aries! Things at work are progressing faster than you can keep up, and with travel opportunities later in the month, it’s hard to stay on top of your obligations. This may cause some tension with your significant other and family members; be sure to fit in time for your loved ones. And don’t forget to take care of your body while chasing your goals. You might enjoy Wow, No Thank You (March 31, Vintage) by Samantha Irby. These hilarious takes on pop culture, romance, and the glories of canceling plans will have you laughing out loud. But Irby, now living in Michigan with her wife and stepkids, has more than jokes. Her candid, earnest writing will also make your heart grow three sizes.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your hard head may get you into some trouble this month, Taurus. At work, clashes with colleagues may keep you from performing your best. At home, tension with family could lead to conflict. The good news is that romantic relationships are blossoming; love is in the air, for pairings both old and new. It’s also a great month for finances. Don’t spend it all in one place! I recommend The City We Became (March 24, Orbit) by N.K. Jemisin. Based on the short story “The City Born Great,” it is set in a world where each city has its own unique soul. New York has five, one for each borough. And when an ancient evil threatens New York, the personified boroughs must come together to defend their city.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Geminis will face many hurdles in March, but it’s nothing you can’t overcome with a little creative thinking. And be honest: Sometimes you enjoy a challenge. Address your professional problems with a little ingenuity, and the payoff will be big. It’s also a great time for travel, both work and leisure. If something goes awry, remember to look at the problem from a new perspective. Read The Night Watchman (March 3, HarperCollins) by Louise Erdrich. Thomas works security at a jewel bearing plant in rural North Dakota near the Turtle Mountain Reservation. As Congress considers a bill that threatens the homes and lives of Native Americans, Thomas and the rest of his community must defend their right to their identities.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

March is all about good timing for Cancers. Get out of your comfort zone and meet new people this month; you may be surprised by what you find. Looking for a new job? Hoping to meet a romantic partner? Ready to take a financial risk? All of these things are possible, but only if you move at the right time. Don’t drag your feet if a big opportunity presents itself. Be ready to jump! Check out New Waves (March 10, One World) by Kevin Nguyen. Fed up with racist microaggressions at their tech company, best friends Lucas and Margo hatch a plan to steal the startup’s user database. But when Margo dies in a car crash, Lucas hacks into her computer to find out if the “accident” was something more sinister.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

You’re magnetic this month, Leo! You’re feeling good and are full of fresh ideas in March. This energy will draw people to you, including new friends, colleagues, and potential love interests. It’s also a great time to pursue artistic interests or try creating something. With lots of passion and intellect, March will be full of big dreams and new people to help you make them happen. Read The Kingdom of Back (March 3, G.P. Putnam’s Sons) by Marie Lu. Nannerl Mozart is every bit as talented a musician as her brother Wolfgang. But as a woman, composing is forbidden to her, and her father has ruled that she can only perform until she reaches a marriageable age. As her wish for fame fades, a stranger from a mysterious land promises to make her dream come true, but it may cost her everything.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Attention to detail is crucial this month, Virgo. You’re known to be a bit Type A, and you don’t often let things fall through the cracks. That quality is important in March. You may find much success in your personal and professional life, but only if you stay focused. Small mistakes could really derail your plans. Think through potential pitfalls, and always prepare a plan B. You might enjoy We Ride Upon Sticks (March 3, Pantheon Books) by Quan Barry. The 1989 Danvers High School Falcons field hockey team will do anything to make it to state finals. And since they come from a Massachusetts town famous for the 1692 witch trials, they may even be able to tap into some dark power to help them win.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Libras will spend much of March connecting with others. This month is the perfect time to reach out to a loved one you haven’t spoken to lately, or to collaborate with someone on an exciting new project. But it’s also important to protect yourself, especially in matters of the heart. Romance and passion are blooming in March. Tend carefully to those feelings to avoid emotional harm. Read Save Yourself (March 24, Grand Central Publishing) by comedian Cameron Esposito. In this memoir, Esposito explores her coming out process and writes the queer coming-of-age story she wishes she heard as a young person. From being an awkward tween with an eyepatch to worrying God cursed her with ringworm after her first gay kiss, this memoir will make you laugh, cry, and feel a little bit gayer.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

You’re a force to be reckoned with this month, Scorpio. Your determination and passion will clear the way to any goal for you in March. However, your aggressive tactics could ruffle some feathers. Remember that working well with others is often necessary to get things done. Your energy is high in March, making it a great time to get outdoors or join a local sports league. I recommend Spirit Run: A 6,000-Mile Marathon Through North America’s Stolen Land (March 3, Catapult) by Noé Álvarez. After struggling to fit in as a first-generation Latino college student, Álvarez learned about the Peace and Dignity Journeys movement. In this memoir, he tells the story of his four-month marathon from Canada to Guatemala, and how capitalist societies can destroy communities.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

March will be full of complications for Sagittarius. You’ll spend much of the month shaking your head at the absurdity of life. Surprises may slow down progress at work, and your family time will be full of unexpected drama. Patience is not your virtue, but be gentle and don’t assume others are incompetent just because things don’t go your way. Focus on the things you can control. Check out Deacon King Kong (March 3, Random House) by James McBride. In a housing project in 1969 New York, everyone knows Deacon Sportcoat as a drunk but fairly reliable old man who would never hurt a fly. But one day, Sportcoat marches up to a teenage drug dealer and shoots him, surprising everyone, including himself. The story that unfolds is told through an engaging and unexpected web of community, vice, and strange connections.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Capricorns will feel like they’re running on a treadmill during March: lots of effort, but getting nowhere. Even though you’re determined to get things done, the stars have other plans. People around you are bickering over details instead of focusing on the big picture. Your best chance at success is to convince others to change their perspectives. You need everyone on board to move ahead. Read Enter the Aardvark (March 24, Little, Brown and Company) by Jessica Anthony. Representative Wilson is a young Republican bro in the middle of a reelection campaign. When he receives a mysterious taxidermied aardvark through the mail, he’s thrown into an adventure that will lead him from Washington to Victorian England to learn where it came from, and what secrets it threatens to uncover.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

March is full of surprises for Aquarius. Some of these surprises may cause problems by inhibiting career progress or complicating travel plans. But some of them may be pleasant, like a new love interest or an unexpected financial gain. It’s a mixed bag of a month, but change can be very beneficial for you. Whatever you do, don’t expect anything to go as planned. I recommend These Ghosts Are Family (March 3, Simon & Schuster) by Maisy Card. When home health aide Paisley went to her first day at a new job, she certainly didn’t expect to meet her father, who she thought was dead. When she learns that he faked his own death and stole his best friend’s identity 30 years prior, the entire family must confront their own history and trauma.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Happy Birthday, Pisces! You’ve got a warm and fuzzy month coming your way. It’s a great time for love, both romantic and platonic. Lifelong memories may be made during time spent with friends and family. It’s also a good time to make big changes in your career. Determination and focus can put you on the path you seek. But avoid traveling, as it may come with unexpected complications. Read It’s Not All Downhill From Here (March 31, Ballantine Books) by Terry McMillan. As Loretha turns 68, she’s proud of her career, her marriage, and her group of lifelong friends. But when she suffers an unexpected loss, she must lean on her friends and family to help her remember that the best is yet to come. Looking for more? Check out your December, January, and February horoscopes and book recommendations!

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