“With the idea to spread a message of ’empowerment through education’, NUDES has designed the bookworm to travel across india, in both rural and urban areas. the structure is built using 3600 modular pre-fabricated components, meaning that it can be easily dismantled, transported and reassembled on different sites. deployed on site within a week, the pavilion also boasts a low carbon footprint and promotes sustainable building technologies.” It’s so beautiful! “Right now, Broadway houses, high school auditoriums, community theaters, and regional concert halls are hollow and quiet. Who knows when these performances will be able to come back? The very nature of drama makes this difficult: performances are communal experiences, shared between the surrounding audience, the tech crew and orchestra, the performers, and of course, your own imagination. When so much of life has vanished in the last several weeks, I’ve been incredibly grateful for books. The hours I spend in someone else’s imagination have been salvation. But as a theater lover, I miss the shows.” So much good stuff is based on books, amirite? “This month, we’re going back to basics. These are the five books you wish you’d had when first learning to cook. They’ve taught you how to cook anything (well, everything)—and continue to be a go-to reference. And below, meet our three brave community members who will be tackling these tomes this month. But first—the top five Back-to-Basics books are:” Master those basics!

 Bookworm  Pavilion Built to Foster Love of Reading in India  Critical Linking  May 21  2020 - 58