“You may have graduated to reading character-driven family dramas and gritty, atmospheric mysteries, but there’s a good chance today’s kids are still reaching for some of the same book series you loved during your own childhood—in recent releases, however, the characters are more likely to connect to Wi-Fi than they used to be. From literal-minded housemaid Amelia Bedelia to the perennially popular girl detective Nancy Drew, here are 11 decades-old book series that are still going strong.” Hello and goodbye, off to buy all the Amelia Bedelias. “In 1884, at age thirty-six, Allen turned to fiction writing, and not long after wrote a novel called The Woman Who Did, about a woman who had a child out of wedlock. It shocked the critics, and became a bestseller. He began to write a number of books about progressive young women, including a serial about a genius nurse named Hilda Wade, who solves medical mysteries (and is trying to avenge the death of her father). But Allen was ill with liver cancer, and in 1899, when he was only fifty-one and still in the middle of writing, things took a turn for the worse.” And that’s when Arthur Conan Doyle stepped in because 🎶that’s what friends are for! “We’re not the only ones who wonder about the future of literary acclaim. There’s an ongoing debate on the Reddit Books page about just this. ‘What are some contemporary literature books (last 20-30 years) that you think may attain ‘classic’ status decades in the future?’ asked user fabrar. ‘By classic status I mean the reputation that novels like Crime and Punishment, To Kill a Mockingbird, Les Miserables, Moby Dick, Don Quixote, etc. have attained, i.e. Standing the test of time through decades (sometimes centuries) and used as a standard and as a learning tool in educational institutions.’” I was prepared to hate this list because I am one jaded bookworm these days, but it’s actually pretty great!