Welcome back to the bookish road trip series. This is going to be an exciting one, folks. We’re going to explore one of the most gorgeous coastlines in the country, and this coastline is hiding some amazing literary gems just waiting for you to discover them. We’re going to travel down the Pacific Coast Highway. Seattle to San Diego. It may only span three states, but this route covers over 1,200 miles of road. Without stops, that is over 20 hours of driving. Lucky for you, we are making stops — and frequent ones! We’ll be exploring bookstores, libraries, museums, crumbling ruins, castles, redwoods, sand dunes, and mountains. As always, this not an exhaustive list of all the bookish sites you could see along this route: there are far too many for me to list, so I had to pick the highlights. Let this guide be a series of suggestions for how you might plan your own bookish one route trip down the Pacific coast. Ready? Buckle up, because here we go!

Seattle, Washington

You did it! You traveled from Seattle to San Diego, and you got to see so many amazing literary sites along the way. I hope your car is full of books and bookish merch that you picked up during your travels, and I hope you gained new memories you’ll cherish. Want to do another bookish road trip? I’ve got some routes for you:

Bookish Coastal U.S. Road Trip: I-95 Bookish Cross-Country U.S. Road Trip: I-90 Bookish Cross-Country U.S. Road Trip: I-70 Bookish Cross-Country U.S. Road Trip: Southern Pacific Highway
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