In the small Midwestern town of Howlett, navigating high school is tough enough. But when a group of friends are inexplicably turned into weredogs, adapting to their new powers proves to be even tougher. This leads to an unlikely friendship with loner Mara, a werewolf whose father has mysteriously vanished. As the high schoolers team up to solve the disappearance, friendships are tested, and secrets are revealed as the Werewoofs prove themselves in an explosive showdown against a dangerous wolfpack and their vicious alpha. Some of the most popular media for teens involves paranormal and supernatural elements. Shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf, and Stranger Things connect with people because there are so many other forces that feel heavy and otherworldly in adolescence. Besides the paranormal transformation of puberty, social interactions can also feel as high-stakes as encounters with monsters. These shows also use demons, monsters, and other paranormal creatures as manifestations of issues that teens encounter all the time, like mental illness, self-doubt, and friendship issues. Young adult comics also wrestle with this dramatic transformation. Paranormal comics can display the horror and weirdness of both adolescence and the supernatural with dramatic, gripping illustrations. You might be able to find all of these paranormal comics for teens on Lydia Deetz’s night table.

I Myself Am Strange and Unusual

Diving into Paranormal Worlds

Adolescence and paranormal activity go hand in hand. Encountering so many new things for the first time even in the non-magical world can be scary and confusing. It was always easy for me to imagine that demons, werewolves, and vampires were around the corner at my high school as often as awkward social interactions. If you’re enjoying paranormal comics for teens, you can also dive into comics and YA books about witches, and even more about werewolves and vampires.   

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